Sunday Nov 03, 2024
The Benefits Of Giving
This episode of Big Blend Radio's SOUL DIVING SUNDAY Show with transformational life coach Shelley Whizin focuses on how the act of giving is a heartfelt recipe for life. You can read her article about it here: https://blendradioandtv.com/listing/the-benefits-of-giving/
SHELLEY WHIZIN is the founder and CEO of the Soul Diving Institute™ and author of "What Do You Bring to the Table? A Savory, Sensory and Inspirational Guide to Living a Yummy Delicious Life" which is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/What-You-Bring-Table-Inspirational/dp/1087932106
Keep up with Shelley here: https://www.shelleywhizin.com/
Tune into Big Blend Radio's "Soul Diving Sunday with Shelley" show every first Sunday here: http://tinyurl.com/2bjbectk